Banach Barski

All math graduate students at UCSD are welcome to attend "Banach Barski," a weekly event where we go to a local bar to de-stress and socialize. A critical aspect of the event is the (math) pun filled email that announces the event each week, with all new puns every time! Below you'll find all of the past emails that I've ever written for Banach Barski. My personal favorites are labelled with *'s.

2021-2022 2020-2021 2019-2020 2018-2019 2017-2018

Bonus: a Banach email written by one of my successors, Scotty Tilton.

Bonus: a certificate of perfect attendance given to Greg for making it to every Banach (for two years running!). Honary mentions go to Vatsa who missed only one during the year, and Teresa who missed a million times but relentlessly demanded to be given a certificate regardless.