Sam Spiro

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Email: sas703 {at} scarletmail.rutgers [dot] edu
Office: Hill 207

I am an NSF Mathematical Sciences Postdoctoral Research Fellow at Rutgers University under the supervision of Bhargav Narayanan. Starting next year I will be an assistant professor at Georgia State University. Previously I was a PhD student at UC San Diego under the supervision of Jacques Verstraëte, and partially under the supervision of Fan Chung. My CV can be found here.

My research interests are in combinatorics, and I am particularly interested in graph theory, extremal combinatorics, and probabilistic combinatorics. Many of the problems I work on involve extremal properties of F-free hypergraphs and of random objects such as random graphs and permutations; but I am happy to work on any problem as long as it's interesting or fun!

Selected publications:
