Introductory Topology
Mathematics 441 — Fall 2023

Course Schedule

The following list of lectures and homeworks is tentative until the ??'s are removed (which should happen by the end of the day each Wednesday).
Week Lecture dates Sections HW assignment
1 9/6 (Wed) Introduction (Notes) 1.1 #10; 1.2 #4bcde; 1.3 #3,4
29/11, 9/13 Closed Sets, Continuity (17, 18) 2.13 #4ab; 2.17 #12,14,19a; 2.18 #1,2
3 9/18, 9/20 Homeomorphisms, Basis (13, 18) 2.13 #1,5,8a; 2.18 #5,12,13
4 9/25, 9/27 Products (15, 19) 2.17 #6, 7, 13; 2.19 #5, 6, 7
5 10/2, 10/4 Quotients, Metrics (Quotients, 20) Quotients; 2.20 #4 (ignore the uniform metric), 9
6 10/9, 10/11 Metrics (20, 21) 2.20 3; 2.21 #1, 3, 6
7 10/16, 10/18Connectivity (23, 24)
8 10/23, 10/25 Review/Midterm (cumulative through 2.21) 3.23 #2, 5; 3.24 #1ab, 3, 9, 10
9 10/30, 11/1 Compactness (26, 27) 3.26 #1, 5 (you may assume Lemma 26.4), 8; 3.27 #2ab, 6
10 11/6, 11/8 Limit Point and Local Compactness (28, 29) 3.28 #3ab, 4, 6, 7ab; 3.29 #1
11 11/13, 11/15 Countability Axioms, Separation Axioms (30, 31) 4.30 #1, 2, 3, 5; 4.31 #1, 4
12 11/20, 11/22 Urysohn Lemma (32)/Thanksgiving Break
13 11/27, 11/29 Urysohn Metrization Theorem, Review (34) 4.33 #2a, 3, 7, 8; 4.34 #3 (due by 12/8)
14 12/4, 12/6 Presentations
1512/11, 12/13Presentations
16 December 18
4:00-7:00PM Final Exam (Chapters 3 and 4)